Caught-Between Hazards: One of Construction's Fatal Four
Product Code: FFCB
Topics include avoiding becoming caught between equipment or objects, the role equipment operators play in
preventing caught-between injuries, avoiding excavation collapses, preventing caught-in rotating or moving part injuries
and avoiding being caught in collapsing structures.
Active Shooter & Workplace Violence
Product Code: ASWV
The purpose of this program is to familiarize you with basic response practices when encountering workplace violence, practices that will help you to be prepared for and to respond to a violent emergency.
Electrical Contact Release Training
Product Code: ECR
People who receive an electric shock are unable to release themselves from contact with an energized conductor or
circuit part. These incidents likely prove fatal without immediate assistance gaining release. When electrical workers, their coworkers and potential responders are trained in electrical contact release and first
aid, it greatly increases the odds of surviving an electric shock.
Heat Stress: Working Safely in the Heat
Product Code: SITH
This program provides an overview of how the body regulates heat, how to recognize the warning signs when these processes aren’t working, and how to treat symptoms of various heat-related illnesses.