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Are you sick of the excuses?  Employees that fail to use PPE are setting themselves up for an accident that could involve serious injury or death.  These dynamic programs cover all major aspects of workplace PPE.

Exposure to hazardous chemicals in the form of dusts, fumes, mists and gases may cause lung damage, cancer and other serious ailments to vital organs and the central nervous system. To protect you from these, OSHA implemented the Respiratory Protection Standard 1910.134. These programs show employees and managers how this plan works to protect them from respiratory hazards.
A worker using proper hearing protection and following his facility's hearing conservation program Hearing Conservation
Because hearing loss can be gradual, happening over a long period of time, we often don't recognize it's happening until it's too late. These programs explain how your company's hearing conservation program protects employees from the harmful effects of noise exposure.
General PPE Programs
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is often the last line of defense against potential hazards encountered on the job. OSHA has determined that many employees who sustain work-related injuries have not been trained in the proper use of PPE.  These programs cover various forms of PPE...from hardhats to steel tipped shoes.
Hard Hats
Nearly 100,000 U.S. workers suffer serious head injuries on the job each year.  Most of these injuries could have been avoided with the proper use of a simple piece of equipment: a hardhat.
A worker protecting his feet from workplace hazards with proper safety footwear to avoid injury Foot Protection
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people are injured in the workplace because they weren't wearing the proper footwear. Many of us tend to think of shoes in terms of styles, but they are a part of your personal protective equipment that must effectively protect your feet from hazards.