(800) 278-2780

Respirator Selection and Use
Product Code: RSU
Running Time: 29 minutes

Respiratory protection is used to protect workers from harmful gases, fumes, vapors, chemicals and oxygen deficiency.  This program will help employees understand and recognize hazards and how to protect themselves from those hazards.
  • Various types of respirators and cartridges.
  • Inspecting, proper-fitting, cleaning, disinfecting and storing respirators.
  • Reviewing the Material Safety Data Sheet to understand the health effects and symptoms of each chemical used.
  • Defining terms and/or acronyms, such as: PEL, IDLH, STEL, "N" & "O" series filters, etc.

Leader's Guide...

Respirator Selection and Use

Purchase Price: $495.00
Monthly Rental Price: $250.00
English/Spanish Combo:
(2 Disc Set)
Sale Type:    